mell kenyon achieve happiness




A love of life, travel and people have shaped my approach to therapy. Born in England, I soon got the travel bug. Living in Europe, Gibraltar and then settling in Spain, I quickly got a feel for what happiness was and how to achieve it. My friends used to ask me, 'Will you please write a book on how you stay so happy, then we can all learn as well'. I started by studying counselling at the age of 23, thinking I could begin to help people. I have not stopped since.

Life lessons: My father died at a young age. I struggled through my teenage years. My partner and I separated and I learned how to be a single parent. We all have bumps and shocks along life’s path; it’s how we deal with them that counts. Over the years, I have learned a lot about people and the way we tick. We are so much more different on the inside than we are on the outside. Just being aware of that, doesn’t it make you think differently about what the other people in your life are going through inside? We never really know what someone else is thinking, even, sometimes, after being together for 30 years. It’s impossible.

I learned at an early age that we cannot change other people. If we try to, they only start to resent us and change back to their own ways at an alarming rate, leaving us wondering, 'What did I do wrong?'  We can, however, change our reaction to them and the way they behave. In learning how to do this, it brings a quiet acceptance and peace, making huge differences to our lives in a very short period of time.

Throughout my career I managed huge projects and worked for wonderful companies in senior roles. I learned about people, how to get the best out of them individually and in large teams. I studied a personality profiling system called DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness). This enabled me to help organisations get the best out of their teams and to use it in my own career. We need a diverse team for most projects but this is challenging because we don’t always understand how each member ticks.

On learning different therapies, it became clear that what you choose to focus on becomes your reality. Is it then your responsibility to focus on good stuff?  Stuff that will enhance your life, not take away from it or make you miserable?  This made me wonder 'How then do I translate this to my clients?'. On learning more about how the mind works, I began to incorporate different techniques. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) opened my eyes to the ways we can 'trick' our minds into dealing with very traumatic times and experiences in our lives. Once the mind processes these episodes in a different way, it can then deal with the trauma and file it safely in the past, where it belongs.

I studied more and more, driven by a passion to help people achieve their happiness in a relatively short period of time.  On completing a two-year Life Coaching Course, I realised how setting and achieving goals helped people stay motivated and taught them to keep moving forwards in their lives. This enables us to be the best versions of ourselves. Coaching also taught me how to bridge the gap between leadership and management in a productive way.

But it still wasn’t enough! What about the firmly-stuck trauma from childhood or engendered by our parents? Timeline therapy from within the NLP practice was a real find for me. The more I worked with people using timelines, taking them back to their childhood, the quicker changes were made. To this day, seeing people go back and fix a trauma and establish themselves as a different person still amazes me 

My trainer, Chris Grimsley – a right Northern chap and a fantastic teacher – introduced me to IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy), which explores undesired emotions and can inspire rapid change. Andrew T Austin, who created IEMT, is someone I admire greatly. I have worked with clients suffering PTS or from extremely abusive backgrounds with anger issues and, each time, the conclusion from clients is the same: 'How has this trauma been removed so quickly and effectively without me having to relive it all?'

I spent years studying sound meditation, sounding the yoga sutras in Sanskrit. This led me to a deeper understanding of the conscious and unconscious mind and how it is our responsibility to find a way for the two to communicate. The unconscious mind runs the body and the conscious mind runs riot if we are not in control of our thoughts. In short, either we are in control of the conscious mind or the conscious mind ('wild dog') is in control of us; the latter usually ending in confusion, frustration and an inability to think straight.

After studying hypnotherapy and learning to work directly with the unconscious mind to make huge changes very quickly, I knew that I had an eclectic mix of very powerful tools to improve lives. Now, that’s what I do every day. It’s my passion. Every day, I witness huge changes in my clients and marvel  at how resilient we are as human beings and how we can manipulate the mind to our own benefit. Our minds are incredible. We just need to learn to use them for our greater good.

The latest string to my bow is OldPain2Go, created by Steven Blake. If you don’t listen to messages from the unconscious mind, of despair, stress, anxiety, stuck trauma etc, it can create a physical symptom so that you then have to listen. Long story but it works! Pain can be reduced in one session. I have physically helped people with arthritis into my office and, an hour later, watched them almost touch their toes and skip down the stairs. In many cases, swelling is reduced and joints move freely again. 

Every session is different and every person’s experience and recovery is different as their unconscious mind and their body do the work. It is incredible to witness. It works on COPD, Fibro Myalgia - almost anything that has been assessed by the medical profession and people have been told nothing more can be done. People who have been in pain for decades find it reduced significantly. If you don’t believe me, come and see for yourself!

I now believe that people can change quickly and substantially in a relatively short and trauma-free period of time. Once we learn to love and believe in ourselves, once we learn how to be 'selfish' and have a proper balance in our lives, we can Achieve Happiness in a great way.

Just remember 85% is perfect !

I love myself. I am perfect just the way I am !

email or call today to arrange a free consultation.

What can I expect from my sessions?

Every session is different dependant on what you would like to work on. You take the lead if there is something that you would like help with, maybe you just need to talk a situation through with somebody who will know what questions to ask you to help you look at things from different perspectives. All within a completely confidential and safe environment.

We will take a journey to learn all about training the mind to be our best friend instead of our worst enemy and how this is a very successful way to deal with the most difficult issues in life. It is very important that you are in control of your mind instead of allowing your mind to control and run away with you.

You are the Most Important Person in the World to you. You deserve to be Happy, Confident, Strong, Positive and Secure.

Are you teaching your children the insecurities that you have lived with all of your life. Is it time to change now so that you can change their future for them?

If you are constantly stressed and anxious, how are you coping with the World around you, are you always tired, niggly, living with anxiety, guilt, as you know you are not showing people the best side of you. Do you feel lost and alone even when you are with the people you love? You can begin to CHANGE THIS NOW.

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Counselling Worlwide

Relationship Counselling can be priceless in saving your partnership, it can also help you to interact with each other on a different level. In helping you understand where each of you are coming from it can create a new strong bond between you that you didn't know was possible.

Do you want to bridge the gap that has grown between you? Do you seem to be on a different planet than your partner? Lost your way and just don't know how to make it right? Please see Relationship Coaching & Counselling page in Services.

Counselling Skills facilitate recovery when the challenges of life can get too much to bear which impair our daily lives or erode our happiness. It can help you to find parts of you that you thought were lost.

Counsellors do not give advice, they help you to find your own answers and that’s what helps towards you achieving acceptance, understanding and a different outlook or approach to the situation. Please see my Counselling Page in Services.

Take that first brave step TODAY to a new life and a new you

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Association for IEMT Practitioners

Member of The Association for IEMT Practitioners

Practitioner Member of INLPTA - Quality Professionalism Ethics

Practitioner Member of INLPTA - Quality Professionalism Ethics

Steven Blake's Old Pain 2 Go Methodology - Certified Practitioner

Old Pain 2 Go - Certified Practitioner

GHR Registered Practitioner

GHR Registered Practitioner