NLP - Depression, Trauma, Relationships. Helps Everything and Everyone
If you would like to change the way you think or feel, then NLP can help you. NLP allows you to leave behind negative emotions, beliefs and thought patterns and it has a practical approach which allows us to positively influence our thoughts, feelings and behaviours therefore improving our lives.
NLP can teach you to think positively, to be more decisive and to make better life choices. As you move forwards confidently and happily, NLP will help you to remain motivated, even if things get tough. It can also help you to understand other people better and improve your relationships.
What you focus on becomes your reality, So focus on the Good Stuff !!
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Neuro: Each external experience equates to millions of pieces of information taken in and then filtered down by our senses, our brains then further filter this based on our values, beliefs and past experiences.
Linguistic: We all use different language patterns, both in conversation with other people and ‘self talk’ within our own minds, to describe these experiences.
Programming: How patterns of thoughts and feelings developed through our lives can affect the way we interpret and react to our experiences, and how this influences our behaviour (and how we can reprogram ourselves to positive effect).
The filtering we apply, the language we use and our inbuilt patterns directly affect the way we think, feel, behave and react to any given situation. As no two people share exactly the same upbringing and life experiences, so no two people will interpret the world, or react to it, in exactly the same way. Despite this we have a natural tendency to assume (or desire) other people to think, perceive and act in the same way as we do or would, which can often lead to misunderstandings and disharmony.
In reality we are as different on the inside as we are on the outside, quite a revelation! NLP is the result of extensive modelling of approaches and behaviour of people who naturally perform well in given situations. Applying NLP techniques allows people to adapt their behaviours, to reprogram unhelpful patterns and to become more resourceful and resilient. This allows them to be at their best more of the time and to vastly improve their relationships with others.
The beauty of the NLP approach is that it will help you to:
- Reduce limiting beliefs and habits, replacing them with empowering ones
- Be freed from the stress and worry of past negative experiences
- Be more understanding of differences and enrich relationships with others
- Develop deeper rapport, be more persuasive and have greater positive influence
- Feel more resourceful even in challenging situations
- Enhance self appreciation and self- esteem
- Set appropriate, achievable and motivating goals
- To better know the path you wish to take in life and to help plan your journey effectively
NLP is an extremely powerful technique to help people improve their relationship with themselves, and others and get on with their lives confidently and happily.
Do you have some days when you are ‘on top of your game’, enthused, focused, working at your best? Or times when it’s not like that, when life and work seems challenging and overwhelming? The difference between the two isn’t just what is happening in the outside world, it’s more to do with what we do on the inside. We can learn how to control what we’re doing, so we have more good days and fewer bad days.
We are gifted at birth with the most amazing mind that helps us to learn what we can about how to think, communicate, manage our feelings, and behave through the conscious efforts of watching and listening to parents, family and teachers and the World in general. Perhaps (and more importantly) we also learn, but not consciously, by modelling or copying thinking patterns and emotional and behavioural responses of others. For some this delivers positive life-enhancing results, for many a mix of good and less useful, while others develop patterns that are limiting personally and socially. These patterns are also influenced by our own responses to our life experiences, and the decisions we make as a result.
Should you wish to attend NLP courses please contact Chris Grimsley at NLP in the North West.