Fiona Meechan - Leadership Specialist

Fiona is an Organisational Improvement Specialist with a passion for increasing wellbeing and performance in our workplaces.
Fiona says:
“I’ve worked in and with a wide range of organisations over the past 30 years and have always been fascinated by why people act the way that they do in different roles. My academic study has helped me to understand some very predictable patterns of behaviour and the impact that they have on ourselves and others, and also that those patterns can be changed and we can improve the way that we work to have a more positive impact on wellbeing and performance –both our own and that of others.”
Starting off as a qualified criminologist, Fiona worked in a number of community safety roles before moving into wider service & performance improvement and senior leadership roles in local government, the NHS and the police. She then wanted to share her knowledge and experience with a view to helping others to become better leaders and worked as a Lecturer in Healthcare Leadership, teaching on MSc programmes at Alliance Manchester Business School.
She has Masters degrees in Criminology and Human Resource Management and is currently researching for a PhD, examining the role of compassion at work, under the supervision of Professor Sir Cary Cooper.
In addition Fiona is also qualified to administer assessments and feedback on MBTI Type 1 Personality Questionnaires, Team Performance Inventories and Healthcare Leadership Model 360. She is also a certified Oshry Organisational Workshop Trainer and a certified practitioner of NLP Coaching, Timeline Therapy, and Hypnotherapy.
Fiona has worked with the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work and is the author of the Compassion at Work Toolkit, a free resource for helping us to embed compassion in organisations, which has been seen by over 12,000 people all over the world thanks to the power of social media!
You can download the Toolkit here and please feel free to use it and share it widely:
In addition to her work and academic interests, Fiona loves spending time with her partner, 2 rescue cats and horse as well as making time to keep in touch with family and friends.
Fiona is delighted to offer a range of tailored Leadership, Team and Organisational Development solutions.